Thursday, May 8, 2014

4 Ways to House Train Your Dog

Having a dog do its "business" inside your home can be a frustrating and disgusting thing at the same time. This article will help you train him to go "potty" outside.

How to house train a bulldog
Steps :

1. Have a designated spot for your dog to go to the bathroom. Make sure you let him know that you are supposed to go.

2. After 10-30 minutes after he eats or sleeps, take him out to the spot and wait until he goes. When he does praise him and pet him. A small food treat can be offered, but make sure your dog isn't making minimal eliminations just to get the treat. He might let out a thimble of pee, wait for you to give him the treat, and then when you let him in, he lets go like Niagara Falls. Make sure you are patient with the dog. After all, he's not as smart as a human so take it easy.

3. Take your dog outside every 2-3 hours. After a while, he will go to the restroom outside.

4. If you are going to be out of the house or sleeping for longer than 2-3 hours, put your dog in a crate if he's crate trained or an enclosed room with paper lining the floor. This will either discourage your dog from eliminating while you're away or reduce the amount of cleanup you have to do when you get home. If you are regularly gone for long periods of time, consider hiring a dog walker to come and take your dog out while you're away.

5. Be sure to pay attention to your dog usually it has a sign like pacing that will help you know when it needs to go out. See what he or she does when about to "go". Sniffing the ground, moving in a circle, and crouching are common signs.

6. As soon as you see your dog do this, take him or her outside (on a leash) and bring the dog to an appropriate spot outside.

7. When your dog does what he should, pet and praise him.

8. Take your dog to the same place every time. It will smell its own scent this way.

9. Be patient. If your dog is interested in just laying down in the yard, it may not be the best time to take him out.

  • Quick trips outside for the dog to "go potty" are not substitutes for exercise or walks. Make sure to exercise your dog regularly.
  • Don't try to "punish" your dog for accidents. Yelling, hitting, or rubbing your dog's nose in the mess won't teach the dog anything useful. If you haven't caught your dog in the act, he won't have any idea what you're so upset about. "guilty looks" are not a sign that your dog understands what he's done wrong; your dog is upset because you're angry. Even if your dog does connect your angry behavior to the mess on the floor, it may backfire. Your dog might conclude that you don't want to see him eliminate at all and go to greater lengths to hide it from you, making housebreaking even more difficult.

This is just a little step of how to training a bulldog, don't miss your chance to learn all the complete steps from experts. You'll find out exactly how to control your bulldog and stop behavior problems, aggressive, bite, bark, potty, or dig by following the simple and easy methods. Proven to work by thousands of a dogs from around the word. Waiting offer special technique for you on this link

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