According to the American Kennel Club, the French bulldog, or Frenchie, is "prized for their affectionate natures and even dispositions,...generally active and alert, but not unduly boisterous." Training a Frenchie can be a challenge unless you find a way to make the sessions seem like a game for your dog. Dogs of this breed can be people pleasers, but may also be hard-headed and stubborn. Potty training a French bulldog may take a few weeks to months, but puppies can be expected to have the occasional accident until they are 6 to 8 months old.
1. Confine your French bulldog to a crate during the times you are unable to directly supervise him.
2. Develop a daily "potty routine" that includes leashing your French bulldog as soon as you wake up in the morning and telling your dog, "let's go potty," to begin familiarizing it with the phrase so it will associate it with relieving itself.
3. Take your dog directly outdoors to the area in your yard you would like it to use as the bathroom. French bulldogs are rompers, so your dog may be easily distracted and want to play. Redirect your dog by telling it "it's time to go potty."
4. Praise your dog by saying "good dog!" excitedly once it relieves itself in the yard. If your dog doesn't go potty, take it back inside and put it in the crate. Try the potty routine again every 10 minutes until your dog goes potty outside.
5. Repeat the potty routine after each of your dog's meals, before you leave the house, when you return home, first thing in the morning, and last thing before you go to bed at night.
Tips & Warnings- The crate should have only enough room for your dog to turn around and lie down. Dogs will usually not relieve themselves where they sleep unless they are confined for too many hours without an opportunity to go outside.
- You can give your dog a treat or favorite toy as praise also.
- If your French bulldog has an accident in your presence, scold it and quickly move the dog outside to the bathroom area.
- French bulldog puppies have very small bladders and should be given the opportunity to go potty every two hours during the day and as needed at night if they whine to go out.
- Do not crate your dog for more than four hours in a row when they are small.
- Do not scold your dog if it has an accident without you witnessing the incident. It will only confuse your dog.
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