Thursday, May 8, 2014
How to Potty Train a Bulldog
How to Take Care Bulldog
With a loveable appearance and gentle manners, the Bulldog is a attraction to many. But are you ready to care for this often-stubborn Bulldog?
1. Be ready to deal with drool. A few handy tips: Keep your Bulldog's bowls outside or in the garage, as they drool most when eating or drinking, and keep a towel on hand!
2. Frequent the vet's office. Yearly doggy well checks are mandatory, along with visits whenever you suspect your Bulldog's unhealthy, as they often are. Be on guard for heat stroke, a common occurrence in the flat-faced Bulldog.
How to Get Your Bulldog Puppy to Stop Play Biting
Bite inhibition is how a dog learns to control the force of his bite. The sooner a bulldog puppy learns this, the better. A puppy usually learns to control the ferocity of his bites from other dogs, like his mother or his litter mates. Most breeders warn against adopting puppies before they are eight weeks old, as these first weeks are important for establishing behavioral rules between the mother and her litter. While the dog's owner can help in this capacity, the obvious language barrier between owner and puppy presents a challenge. It takes growth and maturity for a dog to adapt and understand its owner's emotions.
How to Train a Bulldog Puppy Not to Bite
Does your Bulldog puppy bite? Whether it is in fun or in anger, a set of needle-sharp teeth buried in your hand isn't much fun. You'll need to break this cycle (and quickly!) without breaking your pup's spirit. Once you train him not to bite, you can move onto better things -- like teaching him tricks! But for now, let's put the kibosh on those puppy fangs. No need to call Cesar Millan -- you got this!
How to Potty Train your French Bulldog
According to the American Kennel Club, the French bulldog, or Frenchie, is "prized for their affectionate natures and even dispositions,...generally active and alert, but not unduly boisterous." Training a Frenchie can be a challenge unless you find a way to make the sessions seem like a game for your dog. Dogs of this breed can be people pleasers, but may also be hard-headed and stubborn. Potty training a French bulldog may take a few weeks to months, but puppies can be expected to have the occasional accident until they are 6 to 8 months old.
How to Potty Train Bulldog Dog Potty - What to Do and Not to Do
Dog potty training is one of the most frustrating things a new dog owner will have to deal with when taking a new puppy home. This is especially difficult when your house is not puppy friendly at that stage.
There are basically 2 ways of potty training your new puppy. Paper training inside the house or outside training. Paper training inside is a good idea in winter times when it is cold and raining a lot.
Dog House Training Tips - Using the Crate in Dog Potty Training
Crate training in very beneficial when it comes to in house dog potty training, because it will assist you in training your dog self control as well as spare you a great deal of effort in cleaning up after your dog when he has had accidents in the house. The crate forces your dog, even young puppy, to keep it in for a period of time. However, do not keep him in the crate for too long and do not use the crate as punishment.
Dogs have a natural instinct not to mess in its shelter, but if there is plenty of space, it will relieve itself as long as there is enough space for it to sleep in. So in selecting a crate remember to get a crate that is perfect for your dogs size.
7 Tips For Potty Training Older Dogs - Potty Train Older Dogs Fast
Sometimes especially if not trained right as a bullpuppy - older bulldogs will have problems with house training and they may need to be taught or re-taught not to pee or poop inside. You can teach an old bulldog new tricks and to help you, here are the tips for potty training older bulldogs.
4 Ways to House Train Your Dog
How To Train A Bulldog To Potty In One Spot
How to Caring for Your Bulldogs Face
The care of your English Bulldogs' face is very important. Without the proper routine cleaning, wrinkles and fold can become irritated, and even infected.
Nose Wrinkle Or 'Rope'The most critical area of a Bulldogs' face is the wrinkle, or rope, over their nose. Since their eyes tend to water and drain regularly, this area is prone to becoming moist, making a perfect area for bacteria to grow.
Giving Your English Bulldog A Bath
A No-Nonsense Approach To Giving Your English Bulldog A Bath For The Average Bulldog Owner
When it comes to giving your English Bulldog a bath, there are really just few things to keep in mind. And despite popular belief, the grooming and bathing of Bulldogs is really not that much different than any other breed of dog.
Bulldog Dog Food: What You Should Be Feeding
Ingredients To Look For (And Avoid) In Your Bulldogs Dog Food
English Bulldogs tend to have a very sensitive digestive system. Feeding them the wrong type of dog food can result in a range of issues, from bad gas and loose stool, to various health problems with their skin and coat.
House Training English Bulldog Puppies
Beginning the House Training Process
House training your Bulldog puppy should begin immediately upon arriving home and will continue for the first few weeks. It’s important to be patient and understanding with your puppy during this critical time.
This is when your puppy will learn what you are all about, strictly based on how you treat him. Bulldog puppies are very emotional, so scolding them will likely have a negative impact. This can easily create a situation where he will begin to associate you with being scolded, rather than understand it was his accident that caused the scolding, which can cause unnecessary fear and anxiety.
Bulldog Training Tips
Although it has been established that bulldogs tend to have a soft and tender character, training them may require a few tips. The reason for this is that it they have a few traits that make training them a daunting task. It is therefore important to start training your bulldog at its tender age.
The rule of thumb is that you should start training your bulldog as soon as they arrive home. This approach is especially important so ass to avoid future problems such as food theft. The first instances of training should include things like puppy house training. Given that they love to chew, chew toy training should also probably be on the list.
Tips For English Bulldog Training
Training English bulldogs are very easy. They are clever dogs who like to play games and run around. You will sure to have a good time training them. But before that, you first need to know some tips for English bulldog training. This will help you have an idea how to start the exercise.
How to House Train American Bulldog
Although it has been established that the Bulldogs tend to have a gentle and tender, their training may need some advice. The reason is that they have some traits that make them a daunting task training. It is therefore important to start training your bulldog to his tender age.
The basic rule is that you should start training your bulldog when they arrive home. This approach is particularly important in the ass to avoid future problems, such as stealing food. The first cases of training should include things like puppy house training. Because they love to chew, chew toy training should probably also on the list.
Easy English bulldog Potty Training Tips That Will Save You A Lot Of Time
English bulldog potty training is one of the most important lesson you should give to your pet. It is a common complain to pet owners and their household members particularly those living in urban setting to experience a drench urinated couch or stepping on dog shit bomb. This nuisances are major consideration when getting a pet if living in an apartment. What most people didn't realize was potty training the dog can be relatively easy and the reward is gratifying once it is accomplished.
4 Important American Bulldog Training Facts!
American bulldogs are beautiful dogs and wonderful pets to have in your home. Of course, they also need special treatment with their training - as does any breed of dog. There are several tips to help make the entire American Bulldog training process easier, and we have shrunk them down to just 4 simple tips.
How to Get an American Bulldog Puppy to Not Bite
American bulldog puppies, like virtually all puppies, nip and bite as a natural, normal part of their development. They first begin to learn bite inhibition--or controlling the force of their bite--by roughhousing with their litter mates. From the reactions of the other puppies, they begin to learn what is inappropriately rough. It is up to you to continue teaching your puppy bite inhibition, leading eventually to no biting at all. Because your bulldog, with her massive jaws and powerful muscles, could give a powerful bite when grown, this is a very important lesson to teach. American bulldogs are devoted,
How to Stop Your Bulldog From Chewing Everything in Sight
Every bulldog puppy owner has a story where she finds her leather purse and wallet shredded next to her wrinkly pup. Chewing is a universal behavior among puppies of all dog breeds. Yet the tenacious, and sometimes stubborn, personality of an bulldog makes such normal stages of development challenging. Curbing your bulldog pup's chewing frenzy is possible, but requires addressing the behavior from multiple angles.
How to Clean an Bulldog's Skin Folds and Wrinkles
Bulldogs are social, personable dogs that can provide hours of entertainment. In addition to their unique personality features, bulldogs also have a very recognizable look. While those many wrinkles add to their adorable appearance, they require extra care and attention. Wrinkles can hide a host of dirt and allergens that can irritate your bulldog's skin and cause infections. Proper care of your bulldog's coat and skin can help ensure that he stays healthy.
How to Train a Bulldog to Not Bite
An bulldog can be a wonderful, wrinkly addition to any home and family. Unfortunately, once a dog is labeled a "biter," it can be seen as dangerous and many families choose to simply put the dog down instead of dealing with the issues that lead to the biting. bulldogs can be trained and taught that biting is not an acceptable behavior so the dog can live a long and happy life with its new family.
How to Stop an English Bulldog Puppy From Biting
An English bulldog puppy's mouth helps it to learn all about its environment by chewing and licking. Unfortunately, your English bulldog puppy might also want to chew on you while exploring, as well. Bulldog mouths are quite powerful--even as puppies--and can inflict harm unintentionally. In order for your English bulldog to become a well-behaved adult, it needs to learn not to bite. Fortunately, there are a few ways in which to teach your bulldog puppy not to bite you or others.
How to Take Care of American Bulldog Puppies
How to Train Bulldog to Sketeboard
The ultimate trick is teaching your bulldog to skateboard. Make sure your bulldog is small enough to comfortably put all four legs on a skateboard, and get a bunch of treats ready at hand. It'll take some time and patience to master this, but the result is well worth the respect and admiration your bulldog's accomplishment will give.
1. Find the right skateboard. The board should be at least an inch wider than your dogs normal stance. Use one with older ball bearings—you want your board to travel about a meter with each push.
2. Introduce your dog to the skateboard. Begin with putting your dog in a carpeted room with the skateboard. Place it flat on the ground, wheels up. Praise your dog extensively for any interest it shows in the skateboard. Make noises with the board by spinning the wheels or tapping the surface. Observe your dog's response. After a few minutes, put the board away. Let your dog rest for 20 minutes or so.
3. Bring the board back down. If your dog seemed fine with the board upside down, put it right side up this time. However, be sure to secure the board so that it doesn't roll around when your dog tries to play with it. Again, praise your dog for any interest in the board.
4. Roll the board around a little. Observe your dog's reaction—any sign of fear and you should back up a step. Try not to roll the board directly towards your dog, as this can be seen as threatening. Instead, awaken your dog's predatory instincts by rolling the board away from it. Continue for a few minutes, then take a break. Repeat. Continue to the next step when your dog is comfortable around the skateboard.
- If your dog tries to get on the skateboard at any point, be sure to give it lots of praise and/or treats. Don't forget to hold the skateboard steady.
5. Begin training your dog to get on the skateboard. Secure the board so that it can't move. Reward the dog the majority of the time that it shows any interest, but focus on interest involving one or more paws on the board. It's okay if your dog doesn't leave his paws on the board yet. Continue this until your dog puts a paw the on the skateboard whenever it's presented.
6. Begin rewarding your dog only 1/2 the time he shows interest in the skateboard. Reward the majority of the time that he puts a paw on the board, and always when two or more paws are put on the board.
- If your dog begins to get so frustrated that he whines/barks or stops trying, put the skateboard away and try again later and/or back up a step.
7. Move the skateboard forward a couple feet once your dog places his paws on it. Initially, your dog will probably move his feet as soon as the board starts rolling. Try and reward your dog with a treat in the moment before he gets off the skateboard. Put the treat directly in his mouth so that he dog doesn't have to move off the board to get it. Move on to the next step when your dog is comfortable keeping two paws on the moving board for at least 4 feet.
8. Place your dog so he is standing on the skateboard completely. Reward your dog extensively for standing on the still board. Phase out rewards for merely being interested in the board, and only reward some of the time for two paws. Once your dog consistently stands on the board, you are ready to move on.
9. Roll the skateboard back and forth slowly. Be sure that you are holding the skateboard to keep it from shaking too much. Praise your dog for staying on the board.
10. Get your dog to mount the skateboard on his own. Tap the board and say the desired command to get your dog to get up on it. Move slightly back from the skateboard so that your dog is required to push forward to get the treat. Reward your dog whenever he does something desirable.
11. Continue trying until your dog will obey the command without the need of a reward other than praise.
This is just a little step of how to training a bulldog, don't miss your chance to learn all the complete steps from experts. You'll find out exactly how to control your bulldog and stop behavior problems, aggressive, bite, bark, potty, or dig by following the simple and easy methods. Proven to work by thousands of a dogs from around the word. Waiting offer special technique for you on this link
How to Train American Bulldogs
Have you ever watched the dog trainer and thought to yourself "I really wish that I could train my American Bulldog like that." Well the good news is that although you will not actually be able to read your dogs mind you will be able to train it just the way you want. This is all based on the fact that dogs are naturally pack animals and as long as you put it in its spot it will bow to your every command. Well that is if you use the following rules to the trick.
1. Show your bulldog who the leader is. That can be done simply with the tone of your voice and the look in your eye. Bulldogs are amazingly intelligent and read your mood and intentions. They also know when they are being abused and do not take kindly to it. Beating or striking your bulldog will only make matters worse. They will rebel and and loose their trust in you.
2. Show your dog the sit command. It is the most basic command any dog must know how to do. Start by telling your dog good boy/girl, then assertively state your command. Repeat this command twice while giving eye contact. If after the second time of stating your command the dig does not follow through push strongly against their rumps into a sitting position. Use the line, that's a good dog, sit. This way they can put the action with the word.
3. Repeat this process until the dog sits on your word. After your pup adheres to your demand reward it with a small treat or a nice rub of the tummy. This will help the animal learn that when it listens to you it will be rewarded. Keep in mind that once your dog is listening to you each time you should take the treat out of the equation so that it does not become dependent on the snack.
4. Move on to to a new command, once the dog has fully mastered the "sit" command. By trying to teach a dog too many commands at once you will confuse it and the dog will not know how to react to you.
5. Base your training skill only on the learning speed of your dog. This will build a strong bond between you and your dog, making it more likely for him/her to respect you and more willing to learn.
This is just a little step of how to training a bulldog, don't miss your chance to learn all the complete steps from experts. You'll find out exactly how to control your bulldog and stop behavior problems, aggressive, bite, bark, potty, or dig by following the simple and easy methods. Proven to work by thousands of a dogs from around the word. Waiting offer special technique for you on this link