Thursday, May 8, 2014

How to Potty Train a Bulldog

Getting a pet Bulldog home is a lot of responsibility. The pet owner's actual job begins after the pet comes home. A lot of training is required to teach the pup right manners. It is often said that Bulldogs are very stubborn and difficult to potty train, but if the pet owner is patient and consistent, his pet definitely learns the right way of doing things. People have many things to say about potty training a Bulldog, but the owner has to decide which method is the best to train his pup and use it. It is to be kept in mind that potty training a pet basset is not a day's

How to Take Care Bulldog

With a loveable appearance and gentle manners, the Bulldog is a attraction to many. But are you ready to care for this often-stubborn Bulldog?


1. Be ready to deal with drool. A few handy tips: Keep your Bulldog's bowls outside or in the garage, as they drool most when eating or drinking, and keep a towel on hand!

2. Frequent the vet's office. Yearly doggy well checks are mandatory, along with visits whenever you suspect your Bulldog's unhealthy, as they often are. Be on guard for heat stroke, a common occurrence in the flat-faced Bulldog.

How to Get Your Bulldog Puppy to Stop Play Biting

Bite inhibition is how a dog learns to control the force of his bite. The sooner a bulldog puppy learns this, the better. A puppy usually learns to control the ferocity of his bites from other dogs, like his mother or his litter mates. Most breeders warn against adopting puppies before they are eight weeks old, as these first weeks are important for establishing behavioral rules between the mother and her litter. While the dog's owner can help in this capacity, the obvious language barrier between owner and puppy presents a challenge. It takes growth and maturity for a dog to adapt and understand its owner's emotions.

How to Train a Bulldog Puppy Not to Bite

Does your Bulldog puppy bite? Whether it is in fun or in anger, a set of needle-sharp teeth buried in your hand isn't much fun. You'll need to break this cycle (and quickly!) without breaking your pup's spirit. Once you train him not to bite, you can move onto better things -- like teaching him tricks! But for now, let's put the kibosh on those puppy fangs. No need to call Cesar Millan -- you got this!

How to Potty Train your French Bulldog

According to the American Kennel Club, the French bulldog, or Frenchie, is "prized for their affectionate natures and even dispositions,...generally active and alert, but not unduly boisterous." Training a Frenchie can be a challenge unless you find a way to make the sessions seem like a game for your dog. Dogs of this breed can be people pleasers, but may also be hard-headed and stubborn. Potty training a French bulldog may take a few weeks to months, but puppies can be expected to have the occasional accident until they are 6 to 8 months old.

How to Potty Train Bulldog Dog Potty - What to Do and Not to Do

Dog potty training is one of the most frustrating things a new dog owner will have to deal with when taking a new puppy home. This is especially difficult when your house is not puppy friendly at that stage.

There are basically 2 ways of potty training your new puppy. Paper training inside the house or outside training. Paper training inside is a good idea in winter times when it is cold and raining a lot.

Dog House Training Tips - Using the Crate in Dog Potty Training

Crate training in very beneficial when it comes to in house dog potty training, because it will assist you in training your dog self control as well as spare you a great deal of effort in cleaning up after your dog when he has had accidents in the house. The crate forces your dog, even young puppy, to keep it in for a period of time. However, do not keep him in the crate for too long and do not use the crate as punishment.

Dogs have a natural instinct not to mess in its shelter, but if there is plenty of space, it will relieve itself as long as there is enough space for it to sleep in. So in selecting a crate remember to get a crate that is perfect for your dogs size.